Final Project Post

So after a long amount of work, time and worry we have finally got a product which feels completed, the project its self started off as a Comic, however, we decide to spice it up to make a Motion comic, sadly this resulted in having to cut our product in half, the result is pleasing yet I feel like it could have been better if given more time, the art book is also in a state of complete but also could have been improved if given more time. the art team have helped provide the project with its style which is intended to be a homage to the classic comics of old.

3D models were used to help create some depth to the comic. my favourite part about the project was getting to work with other members of the class on something fun like this, it wasn’t all sunshine however


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above are some of the backgrounds we were able to make regarding art. I am so happy with how they turned out the traditional artist helped supremely withdrawing some background bases, the video is the culmination of the hard work and dedication the team has, each member has dedicated so much and the final product shows that.

As a whole, the Project has gone great bit shaky in areas and finally, I have to say I have enjoyed my time working on this project.

The Comic Pitch

So my pitch for my comic is done and will be presented the upcoming Wednesday, the hopefully interesting concept will catch some peoples eyes, by patching together some reference pictures I’ve amalgamated a character design which I hope will be able to draw into a less messy looking form.


Character patchwork.png

Progress update. modelling, texturing and the imagine world project.

I’ve been given some feed back today and have been told that i have improved my modelling skills however my texturing skills need to be improved as well as my model preparation, the imagine world project is going smoothly, we now have two paths that will be used for different areas, we have also now got movement in the scene so that the camera will move around the scene which will be put into a video with sound and music eventually, the team has been working on their essays leaving me to wait for the models to be made, do the the importance of the essays i have added my name to the buildings asset on the asset list, i am currently working on the code for the unity scene and trying to figure out a way to get the camera to move automatically and smoothly around the scene.

today our group has updated each other on what we have made so far, i am working on the scenes and textures while the others are working on their assigned models, we have decided to drop the Gothic side of the project and focus on the Greek element.

Imagine World Progress.

I have made some progress with the imagine world project, we have got some models into unity and have got textures on them, the models are nicely made by the members of the team, each one fits together seamlessly.

I plan to make a short demo of the scene and post it here on the blog.

this is a very very early example of the scene.

what i am working on in my portfolio

What will i be doing?

  • Improving the quality of my models.
  • the presentation of the work its self.
  • the layout of the slides.
  • balancing images with videos.
  • showing the process of creation with images.


  • by texturing and fixing any old models i have made.
  • by designing a better layout.
  • by creating a better order.
  • by using an equal amount of images and videos.
  • take renders or screen shots.

how long will this take?

  • 2-4 weeks.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

Armor RenderRender 1Better logo

what is left to do?

slides, textures, improve models and drawings.

Button Game

In our code class we have been set the task of setting up code for a simple button game.

here is the basis of the code:


after the code is implemented fully the code will allow the big number to add 1, 2 or 3 to the total, here is an example of the code in action, the process is a simple code input, add an int that stores the number currently displayed, after that is three public floats which, on the correct button press results in the cosponsoring number adding to the total.

Game Feedback

so some of my class mates have played the game and have given me this feedback, first of i will list the positives that the three gave me.


Alex:Overall, I think the games animation look brilliant with them flowing brilliantly as they should with not much cut in between them. The look of the game also impressed me a whole lot.

Charlie: Good Animation.

Harry: Good animations and character design and I like how theirs an objective to the levels as well. I like how there are enemies as well.

Here are the negetives


Alex: The game could defiantly use more levels as well as the game adding a bit more difficulty by adding enemies and or gaps to jump over.

Charile: The character looks distorted, change the character size

Harry: Maybe slow the enemies down a little and some coins are a little too high to reach.


i plan to improve the positives and fix the negatives that my friends have pointed out to me.